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Laguna Links

The Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation is proud to work alongside and in collaboration with other non-profit organizations and government agencies throughout the watershed. Here are just some of the many groups working to enhance and protect our diverse ecosystems.


Ag + Open Space
The District conserves farmland, greenbelts between cities, wildlife habitat, and land for public recreation in Sonoma County.

Audubon Canyon Ranch (ACR)
Audubon Canyon Ranch preserves, protects and manages their properties as sanctuaries for native plants and animals. The Ranch educates children and adults about the natural environment and the need to protect it, through the use and enjoyment of ACR sanctuaries. They also support research and conservation efforts that enhance the preservation and management of the natural resources of the sanctuaries.

California Coastal Conservancy
The CCC acts with others to preserve, protect and restore the resources of the California Coast; their vision is of a beautiful, restored and accessible coastline. This agency provided major funding for the Foundation’s Laguna Ecosystem Restoration Management Plan, having seen the plan as an important part of its larger goal.
California Invasive Plant Council (Cal-IPC)
Across California, natural areas are invaded by non-native pest plants. These invasive plants degrade native habitat needed by wildlife, consume precious water, increase wildfire and flood danger, and destroy productive range and timber lands. Cal-IPC works to protect California’s native habitats through research, restoration, and education. As a 510(c)3 nonprofit organization, it provides information to land managers, gardeners, and policy makers.
California Native Plant Society, Milo Baker Chapter (CNPS-MB)
The chapter, which is named after a famed Santa Rosa botanist, Milo Baker, is located in Northern California’s beautiful Sonoma County. CNPS is a statewide organization whose goals are to increase understanding and appreciation of California’s native plants and to preserve them and their natural habitats for future generations.
California Society of Ecological Restoration (SERCAL)
SERCAL is a non-profit, membership based organization dedicated to bringing about the recovery of damaged California ecosystems. To this end, the organization’s activities are focused on the presentation of conferences, symposia, workshops, field trips and other educational activities dealing with the many different aspects involved in restoration of California native habitats.
Coast Walk
Coast Walk believes that through stewardship of the California coast, people can find a balance between their profound need to experience the coast and the need to preserve its fragile environment. They are a grassroots, non-profit organization that inspires, educates, and advocates for both coastal protection and access. They create a community of stewards through their unique coastal hiking experiences and their work to complete and sustain the California Coastal Trail. The trail will stretch continuously from the Oregon to the border od Mexico, connecting cities and towns, historic sites and natural landscapes of beaches, bluffs, bays, estuaries, and mountains.
Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria
In 1992, the FIGR Tribe was established as the Federated Coast Miwok; then upon restoration, renamed the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria. The tribe consists of both Coast Miwok and Southern Pomo people. Tribal ancestors existed for thousands of years with territorial lands which include all of Marin and southern Sonoma counties.
Greenbelt Alliance
Greenbelt Alliance is a land conservation and non profit group whose mission is to make the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area a better place to live by protecting the region’s greenbelt and improving the livability of its cities and towns. Since 1958, they have worked in partnership with diverse coalitions on public property policy development, advocacy and education.
Leadership Institute for Ecology and the Economy
The Institute works to educate future and current leaders, as well as the local community, on the need to integrate environmental, economic, and social equity issues, and provides supportive information that will help them sustain our quality of life for future generations.
Madrone Audubon Society
The Madrone Audubon Society, a Sonoma County Chapter of the National Audubon Society, is a non-profit organization which promotes education, enjoyment, and protection of the natural world, especially birds. Their members, volunteers, and Board seek to involve the community in these endeavors.
Open Space Water Resource Protection Land Use (O.W.L. Foundation)
The O.W.L. Foundation is a non-profit, 501(c)3 California corporation, made up of Sonoma County residents who became alarmed at the dangerous water crisis growing in Sonoma County. Numerous areas in the County have been declared “water scarce”; other areas, previously considered “water rich”, are now in groundwater overdraft.
Point Blue
PRBO Conservation Science’s 125 staff and seasonal scientists apply bird ecology studies to conserve birds, other wildlife and ecosystems in western North America, the North Pacific Ocean and beyond (formerly known as Point Reyes Bird Observatory, or PRBO).
Russian Riverkeeper
Russian Riverkeeper advocates, educates, and upholds our environmental laws to ensure the protection and restoration of the Russian River for the health and benefit of all who use and enjoy it!
San Francisco Bay Area Joint Venture
The San Francisco Bay Joint Venture (SFBJV) is one of eighteen Joint Ventures established under The Migratory Bird Treaty Act and funded under the annual Interior Appropriations Act. It brings together public and private agencies, conservation groups, development interests, and others to restore wetlands and wildlife habitat in San Francisco Bay watersheds and along the Pacific coasts of San Mateo, Marin and Sonoma counties.
Sierra Club Redwood Chapter
The Sierra Club is one of the largest and oldest environmental organizations in the country. The Club’s purpose is to protect and restore wild places, public health and wildlife for future generations. It is a non-profit, member supported, public interest organization that promotes conservation by influencing public policy decisions--legislative, administrative, legal and electoral.
Society of Wetland Scientists
The Society of Wetland Scientists promotes understanding, conservation, scientifically based management, and sustainable use of wetlands.
Sonoma County Conservation Council
In 1984, a federation of local conservation groups formed in Sonoma County, and became a charitable non-profit now knows as the Sonoma County Conservation Council. Their aim is to pool resources to protect and enhance the county’s environment. It supports the work of member organizations, serves as an information and referral service and provides opportunity for ad hoc groupings to work on specific issues. It is operated by volunteers.
Sonoma County Transportation and Land-Use Coalition
On this website, they attempt to explain some of the shortcomings of the auto-centric approaches that dominate our lives. At the same time they present constructive alternatives that are realistic and economic.
Sonoma Water
The mission of Sonoma Water is to effectively manage the water resources in its care for the benefit of people and the environment through resource and environmental stewardship, technical innovation and responsible fiscal management. The Water Agency provides water supply, flood protection and sanitation services for the County of Sonoma.
State of the Birds Report
The State of the Birds report highlights the enormous contributions private landowners make to bird and habitat conservation, and opportunities for increased contributions. Roughly 60% of land area in the United States (1.43 billion acres) is privately owned by millions of individuals, families, organizations, and corporations, including 2 million ranchers and farmers and about 10 million woodland owners. More than 100 species have 50% or more of their U.S. breeding distribution on private lands.
Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods
Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods promotes education, preservation and restoration of the natural and cultural resources of Russian River area state parks in partnership with the California Department of Parks and Recreation through interpretation and public stewardship.
Trout Unlimited
The North Bay Chapter is a non-profit organization serving anglers and environmentally conscious friends in an ongoing effort to fulfill the mission of Trout Unlimited: to conserve, protect and restore North America’s trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds.

ARTICLE: The Ultimate Guide on Water Conservation: How To Save Every Drop
November 28, 2023, California Degrees: Official College Resource, Written by Jonathan Jacobs
Water conservation is all about taking good care of our precious water supply. Water is vital for all life on Earth, including plants and animals, and it plays a crucial role in farming and keeping our crops healthy.

The Xceres Society
The Xerces Society is a nonprofit organization that protects wildlife through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitat. Established in 1971, the Society is at the forefront of invertebrate protection worldwide, harnessing the knowledge of scientists and the enthusiasm of citizens to implement conservation programs.

City Councils within the Laguna Watershed

Cotati City Council

Rohnert Park City Council

Sebastopol City Council

Santa Rosa City Council

Windsor City Council

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