. Banner Image by Michael Leahy

Empowering Conservation: Together, We Flourish.



As the days are warming up and the season transitions from spring to summer, I wanted to share a few highlights of the impactful work we are doing at the Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation:

This spring, our field crews have made an incredible discovery at one of our vernal pool restoration sites. The endangered Sebastopol meadowfoam, which was once struggling with just 50 plants in 2017, has exploded in numbers – over 10,000 times – with our estimates now soaring over 500,000 plants! What’s truly remarkable is that almost all of these plants are descendants of the seeds we carefully collected, nurtured in our nursery, and planted back in the fall of 2019. We’re seeing similar success in our efforts to boost populations of other endangered species like the Burke’s goldfield and Sonoma sunshine.

We also noted the first sighting of a Monarch butterfly laying its eggs on newly planted native milkweed at the Laguna Uplands Preserve. A few weeks later, on Earth Day, we were thrilled to count more than three dozen caterpillars! This is conservation in action, thanks to the dedication and hard work of everyone involved. Let’s keep this momentum going and continue to make a real difference for these precious species and our environment!

We’ve also teamed up with partners across the watershed to craft a groundbreaking restoration plan. This plan aims to revive hundreds of acres of interconnected, diverse habitats along the Laguna de Santa Rosa. Our mission is clear: enhance water quality and flow, and foster native plant growth to support native fish and wildlife populations. These improvements won’t just benefit nature; they’ll also benefit our communities by boosting the Laguna’s ability to handle floods naturally and adapt to our everchanging climate. Together, we’re making a real difference!

Together, we can realize our vision of a resiliant, vibrant
watershed that supports both wildlife and people.

Your commitment, whether as a donor, volunteer, or program participant, embodies the essence of our community’s spirit. You recognize the immense significance of wetlands as among the most vibrant ecosystems on our planet, and you’ve played a crucial role in our endeavors. For 35 years, your generosity has empowered us to be the voice of the Laguna, committed to enhancing the wellbeing of this special wetland ecosystem through restoration, conservation, and education. Our local wetlands are not just important; they’re essential. Today, I come to you with a special appeal: join us in propelling the Laguna Foundation to greater heights by making a donation today. Help us realize our vision of a restored, healthy watershed. Your ongoing generosity means the world to us. Thank you for being a part of this vital mission!

Yours in partnership,

Anne Morkill
Executive Director

P.S. There are numerous ways you can amplify your support: Become a monthly contributor and ensure sustained assistance through recurring donations; become a member of our Leagacy Society by including the Foundation in your will, estate plan, or other beneficiary designation; or explore the possibility of matching your donation through your company’s employee donation program. Contact us for more information about these giving pathways.


Collaboration & Commitment

Our commitment to improving the health of the Laguna de Santa Rosa relies on collaboration with many partners, including federal, state, county, and city government agencies, school districts, public and private landowners, businesses, academia, other non-profit organizations…and YOU!

Your donation will be leveraged many times over and will empower us
to expand our reach and deepen our impact!
