Flyer: Dedication of the Loretta Blincoe Memorial Trail and the first phase [of] the City of Sebastopol's Laguna de Santa Rosa Wetlands Preserve [99.3]

Publication Type  Resource
Authors  City of Sebastopol; Laguna Foundation
Year of Publication  1999
Key Words  UME; Sebastopol Community Center; preserve; dedication; ceremony; archive; MAS; Loretta Blincoe memorial trail; Laguna Wetlands Preserve; Laguna Foundation donors; Sebastopol; entry arbor; celebration; first phase
Abstract or Description  

A flyer with information about the dedication of the Loretta Blincoe Memorial Trail and a celebration of the completion of the first phase of the Laguna Wetlands Preserve.

Time Period: 
99.3.pdf63.41 KB