Wilderness waterways: Laguna vistas reward paddlers [97.1]

Publication Type  Newspaper Article
Authors  Chris Coursey
Year  1997
Date  01/1997
Publisher  The Press Democrat
Key Words  UME; photos; wildlife; birds; habitat; boaters; canoes; kayaks; Doug Bosco; Frank Riggs; Brian Moe; Steve Hart; MAS; Kim Cordell; Laguna Foundation; Allan Buckman Buckmann; Creg Condon; Paul Berlant; Scott Stinebaugh; John Burgess; snowy egrets; hawk

A description of a canoe and kayak journey along the Laguna de Santa Rosa, interspersed with the natural and human history of the Laguna.

Research Notes  

1. Includes several photos by John Burgess, most of them originally in color. One photo is of Steve Hart.

Time Period: 
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