Letter -- To Members of the Agricultural Community From Sebastopol Councilman Nichols J. Stewart [89.6]

Publication Type  Resource
Authors  Nichols J. Stewart
Year of Publication  1989
Publisher  City of Sebastopol
Key Words  al; archive; agricultural; community; Laguna Scoping Committee; MAS; Sebastopol; Nichols Nick Stewart; Laguna de Santa Rosa; farmers; landowners; farming practices; regulations; water quality; open space; wildlife; habitat; Laguna basin
Abstract or Description  

A letter from Sebastopol Councilman Nichols J. Stewart thanking members of the agricultural community for attending a Laguna Scoping Committee meeting and assuring those members that no new regulations are being created while also apologizing for not inviting them to meetings sooner.

Time Period: 
89.6.pdf73.5 KB