Friends Tour Laguna [85.1]

Publication Type  Newspaper Article
Authors  Bruce Robinson
Year  1985
Date  06/1985
Publisher  West County News
Key Words  archive; Friends of the Laguna; MAS; Laguna de Santa Rosa; Bill Cox; wetlands; grassroots; Pam Morrow; Department of Fish and Game; tour; wastewater; pools; Frei Brother Vineyards; oak trees; man-made lake; photo; photos; Llano Road; Guerneville Road

Local environmentalists took an walking tour of portions of the Laguna de Santa Rosa.

Research Notes  

This is the first document of the year 1985. Enter 85.2 in the search bar for the next chronological document.

Time Period: 
06/27/1985 - 07/03/1985
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