Santa Rosa Plain Ecosystem Study and ‘Adopt a Vernal Pool’ Program

Publication Type  Conference Presentation
Authors  Christina Sloop; Hattie Brown
Affiliations  Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation
Year  2009

The Santa Rosa Plain is an 81,000 acre complex of wetlands, streams, and uplands in Sonoma
County, California. Urbanization and agricultural expansion has destroyed 85% of the
vernal pools that historically dominated the landscape. Many remaining pools are degraded but still support several endangered species of plants and animals. This study, now three years running, utilizes citizen scientists to collect critical demographic and ecological data on three endangered vernal pool plant species with the goal of informing management and aiding species recovery. Our work will result in a long term comprehensive database on species population status and habitat conditions using standardized assessment protocols.

Conference Name  2009 State of the Laguna Conference and Science Symposium
Presentation Type: 
SoL 2009 avp poster FINAL.pdf3.52 MB