Update on the U.S. Geological Survey Santa Rosa Plain Cooperative Groundwater Study

Publication Type  Conference Presentation
Authors  Marcus A. Trotta
Affiliations  Sonoma County Water Agency
Year  2009

The Santa Rosa Plain groundwater basin covers an area of approximately 80,000 acres and is home to approximately half of the population of Sonoma County. The groundwater system beneath the Santa Rosa Plain provides numerous benefits to the region, including rural residential and municipal water supplies, irrigation water for agriculture, and baseflow to streams and surface water bodies. As part of a technical study program intended to enhance the current knowledge regarding groundwater resources within Sonoma County, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) initiated a five-year cooperative study of groundwater resources within the Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Basin in 2005. The cooperative study is being conducted by the USGS in partnership with the Sonoma County Water Agency, County of Sonoma, City of Santa Rosa, City of Rohnert Park, City of Sebastopol, City of Cotati, Town of Windsor, and Cal-American Water Company.

The study has four principal elements: (1) a comprehensive geographic information system (GIS) to compile, analyze and visualize hydrologic and related data; (2) collection of new data, with a focus of water-quality sampling; (3) data interpretation and hydrogeologic characterization – including refining hydrologic budgets, and updating conceptual models of the groundwater flow system based on the new data and the results of ongoing USGS geologic and geophysical studies in the basin; and (4) the development of a fully-coupled numerical surface water/groundwater flow model for Santa Rosa Plain.

Results from the study will provide stakeholders with tools to assist in evaluating the hydrologic impacts of future climate-change scenarios and alternative groundwater management strategies for the basin. Additionally, the study could potentially form the technical foundation for a local non-regulatory groundwater management planning process.


Mr. Trotta is a hydrogeologist for the Sonoma County Water Agency’s Water Resource Planning Division. The primary focus of his work at the Water Agency includes: (1) collaborating with local stakeholders to develop and guide technical studies and programs in support of groundwater management activities in the Sonoma Valley Groundwater Basin; (2) providing project management and technical support for the ongoing the U.S. Geological Survey Cooperative Study of the Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Basin; (3) managing technical studies investigating the interaction and exchange of surface water and groundwater within the Russian River alluvial aquifer; and (4) managing the Water Agency’s groundwater monitoring program. Prior to joining the Water Agency in 2008, he served as a technical consultant in the fields of hydrogeology and environmental engineering, which involved assisting private and public sector clients in the management and characterization of groundwater resources, the design and performance of groundwater contaminant fate and transport studies and the development of aquifer restoration programs. He is a Professional Geologist and Certified Hydrogeologist in the State of California and received his Bachelor of Science degree in Geology with an emphasis in Hydrologic Science from the University of California at Davis. Mr. Trotta is an active member of the National Ground Water Association, the Groundwater Resources Association of California, and the Geological Society of America.

Conference Name  2009 State of the Laguna Conference and Science Symposium
Presentation Type: 
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